3 Tips on...a Variety of Career and Personal Growth
3 Tips on...a Variety of Career and Personal Growth
* 3 tips for making most of holiday season
- Know yourself and job target.
- Prepare an elevator speech.
- Build your online professional profile on social media channels, and network at holiday events.
* 3 tips for achieving
- Measure success by your standards.
- Enjoy the process mastery.
- Set attainable goals.
* 3 tips for growing in current job
- Identify needs, skills and other personal qualities you want met in your job.
- Redesign your job to match personal qualities.
- Demonstrate skills that match desired job to company decision makers, and volunteer for projects.
* 3 tips for effective phone calls
- Before making calls, know the name of the person to whom you wish to speak and purpose of call.
- When making calls, state your name, company and message briefly, clearly, courteously..
- Leave clear, concise messages, stating your name, phone number and message, Repeat twice.
* 3 tips for dealing with office gossip
- Keep opinions to yourself. Don't share personal problems.
- Clarify facts; Relay facts, not opinions.
- Give gossip a positive spin by restructuring the negative story.
* 3 tips for minimizing job burnout
- Recognize burnout is preventable, treatable, and a catalyst for growth.
- Respect yourself, establish your own standards of excellence, and do something challenging each day.
- Lead a balanced life, manage time, develop supportive relationships, and exercise daily.
* 3 smart moves
- Strengthen Questers qualities such as purpose, intuition, perseverance, and will to risk.
- Look after mind, body, relationships, and spirit. Continue to learn and grow.
- Be genuine. Clarify and pursue your purpose, and make a contribution to humankind.
* 3 tips for fearless speaking
- See yourself as a powerful person who has something to contribute. Practice speaking. Join a speaker's group.
- Connect with audience. Engage them. Know audience's needs and adapt presentation to these.
- Clarify goals, purpose and outcomes of your presentation with the host.
Additional tips for addressing varied lifelong career, work, and personal growth topics are found in award-winning, Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life, by Dr. Carole Kanchier: https://wlifelong www.amazon.com/Questers-Dare-Change-Your-Life/dp/1508408963